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Thai "Long Term Residence" Visas Now Available?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the so-called Long Term Residence Visas. As we have discussed in many other videos on this channel they do not actually confer Lawful Permanent Residence here in Thailand, they are just sort of a really long Non-Immigrant Visa. 

As noted last week, we were sort of waiting with bated breath to see these come online. September 1st has now come and gone and yes in fact it appears that these are now available. As of yet I don't know exactly what the process on this is looking like. We are looking forward to assisting folks who do actually qualify for the category. One big thing I will say, and I have got other videos coming out on this, at the end of the day, this is where the rubber hits the road and we start to really figure out how these things work and more importantly how they don't. 

One thing I have been seeing from a lot of folks out there is they will send in emails and they will say, "Hey, I want to do this because I am qualified." Yeah maybe. You are qualified when the Authorities here in Thailand so you are qualified. I understand that that is a little bit irksome to some folks, they don't really like to hear that response but that is at the end of the day, that is the process. You may think you are qualified, I may think you are qualified and we may try to process the case through and someone in the apparatus may disagree. So that's one thing to understand. Again as we have started to see things get closer to the rollout we area also starting to see little caveats and I am going to try to keep people updated on this channel with respect to those as the situation evolves.