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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawThai Business Visa Extension Routines

Thai Business Visa Extension Routines

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Business Visas. The reason I made the title "Business Visa Routines" is when we are first dealing with clients, usually within the first three to four months when we're getting somebody set up here in Thailand, getting their Business Visa sorted, getting their Company set up, basically getting them all rounded around, there does come sort of an inflection point of frustration because they are going through all this stuff and it's all very foreign and you are kind of dealing with a system that you have never dealt with before, it gets frustrating, I get it. You are dealing with a lot of different moving parts. We try to explain it as best we can but there just comes a point I think where people get a little frustrated; it is usually the point at which you come to the culmination of getting the Business Visa extension issued and then everything is sort of sorted out from there. 

As we have noted in other videos, generally speaking you go in, file for your Business Visa extension, there is a 30-day review period, you come back and get your other 11 months. Generally speaking in the vast majority of our cases we don't have any major issues once a case is filed. The reason for this video is to just kind of explain and assuage folks, who are getting a little exasperated and they are dealing with kind of the culmination of everything. In a very real sense the Business Visa is the culmination of a lot of things especially on a new company set up. You are getting a company set up, you are dealing with a lot of certification, you are dealing with a Work Permit and then you are dealing with a Visa issuance; it just sort of accretes and builds up and then the climax if you will is the Business Visa being issued. At that point you know you do kind of tend to get into a routine. Many of our long-term clients in Business Visa status, and I found myself feeling this way once I dealt with it, once I had gotten my initial extension, so many years ago 15, 14 whatever years ago, yeah there is kind of a relief and it becomes a routine. As long as a Company is maintaining its compliance, it is in compliance with Thai Law with respect to Business Visa issuance and extension and renewal, it is pretty much a routine at that point. We assist folks in dealing with it. It is not the easiest routine to deal with. I mean there is a lot of documentation that needs to be maintained and that's a lot of what we do in our office is maintaining Corporate documentation and assisting folks with Business Visa application and reapplication, renewal and everything associated with that but yeah it does kind of become a routine at a certain point where you are dealing with the ongoing extension of Business Visa status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.