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Smart Cities Coming to Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the EEC, the Eastern Economic Corridor here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, that is down in obviously the southeastern part of Thailand, so Chachoengsao, Chonburi and Rayong primarily is where the EEC is going to be operational in. There a number of sort of special concessions that are going to be made, very similar to the Board of Investment where they can make concessions with respect to the types of industries and business that are looking to be promoted in that area. I got to thinking of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail,, the article is titled: New hi-tech city planned near Pattaya. Quoting directly: "The semi-rural district of Huay Yai, a 20 minute drive from Pattaya has been chosen as the site of the region's first smart city. The Cabinet has approved the 10 year initiative covering nine square miles which will cost US$37 billion. The project is the remit of the Eastern Economic Corridor, an international investment agency which has already brought huge changes to Chonburi and two adjoining provinces." 

So yeah, a lot going on down in the Eastern Economic Corridor; a lot of activity; a lot of investment; a lot of business activity; a lot of opportunities for those who are looking to come to Thailand to invest in smart tech, the medical industry, even certain aspects of Tourism, defense, various aspects of the tech sector including but not limited to do things like artificial intelligence. There are a number of concessions that are out there for those who are looking to get involved with any of those industries and looking to set that up within that specific region here in the Kingdom of Thailand. And it is noteworthy, there could be major benefits here things like substantial tax holidays etc., can be had depending on the circumstances of a given case. So I can't stress it enough, the Eastern Economic Corridor is definitely something to look into for those looking to do business not only in Thailand but just Southeast Asia in general.