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Roll Out the Thai Red Carpet and Roll Back the Red Tape?

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As the title of this video suggests, and the reason I made this video is there was a comment on our channel, quoting directly: "Thailand needs to roll out the red carpet and roll back the red tape." Yeah, I couldn't agree more. We have already discussed in prior videos that things like the mask mandate are coming off; things like the Thailand Pass are going away; insurance requirements are going away as of July 1 here in Thailand, this is 2022 so it hasn't happened yet but we are waiting with bated breath for it to happen and hopefully we will see an influx of tourists, notwithstanding the fact that we are still sitting here in the middle in the middle of low season out here in Thailand. Hopefully we will still see an influx of tourists. And as we have noted in other videos, tourists plan for the high season in Thailand. For example winter months back in many Western countries, tourists plan for those trips now, they don't plan those trips right before they come, two weeks before they come. So I felt like, and I have made it clear in other videos on this channel, prior videos on this channel, that we needed to roll back this red tape and roll out this red carpet now so that we can hope to have a high season where we have some tourists here, quite frankly. 

So these are all good signs. For those who are looking sort of at the situation overall who are wondering "well is this going to stick?" whatever. Yeah I think it will. I think we are putting the worst of this behind us. But we have still got a little ways to go. I have got my issues for example with the mask mandate but getting rid of insurance is good and getting rid of the Thailand Pass is going to be very helpful I think. So all in all, I think everything is kind of moving in a positive direction here in Thailand. We will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.