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Retirement Visas in Thailand: What If I Work Abroad?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the situation involving Retirement Visas and working. As we have noted in other videos on this channel, whatever type of Retirement Visa you have, if it's an O-A, if it's an O-X,  if it's an O Retirement Visa, Retirement Visas are specifically not work authorized. As we've noted in many other videos you cannot get a Work Permit on a Retirement Visa; it is strictly precluded, it is for retirees, folks that just want to come to Thailand and retire and have a nice retirement. Quite frankly Thailand is a great place to retire, it is a great place for retirees. I see a lot of retirees in Thailand and talk to them and they say, "couldn't find a place better than Thailand to retire", for a lot of different reasons.

There is one that does come up from time to time. Folks that work abroad. So I see this happen with like especially, not so much recently because of travel restrictions being what they were, but going back a couple years, a real common thing is you would see a lot of offshore oil and gas folks that worked abroad. They had nothing going on in Thailand; they used a Retirement Visa to maintain their status in Thailand. Generally when they were off work they would be in Thailand but they worked abroad. I have had people here recently kind of ask me is that a big issue? In my opinion, not really. Now again, if you're doing things associated with your job in Thailand, as we have noted in other videos, almost any kind of exertion at all in Thailand could be deemed to be work, but if you are not really working in Thailand and you know who you are, you know yourself, you know what you're about if you will, you know you are not working or are working so if you're not working in Thailand and you happen to work abroad it is really not a huge deal.

Now there could be tax ramifications depending on your circumstances. How much time you spend in Thailand etc. but with some effective management sort of tax planning, estate planning, a lot of those issues can be mitigated to the point of not being an issue at all. So again, depending on your circumstances it shouldn't be a problem with respect to work authorization but it may be a problem or I shouldn't say problem, it may be an issue with respect to taxation and again that's going to depend on the situation in your given case.