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Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

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As the title of this video suggests, well it might be a little vague but we are discussing this "putting the cart before the horse". When I talk to many would be expats, folks that want to come out here, especially in the capacity of those who are maybe looking to start up their own business here in Thailand, I kind of get into this where it is like, "whoa, you can't put the cart before the horse".

What we are talking about, specifically in a small business context is, if you are coming to Thailand, you want to set up a small company, that may be possible depending on circumstances but you have got to think about your Work Permit and your Visa issues. That is paramount for a foreigner that wants to be in Thailand long term doing business because work authorization would be required as well as ongoing Visa status would also be required to be in Thailand under those circumstances. So the thing to take away from this video is, first of all I am not making this to be sort of talking down to anybody. I completely understand many folks just don't know what they don't know, for lack of a better term. They have just never dealt with anything having to do with Thai Corporate Law, Thai Immigration Law, Thai Work Authorization Law, Employment Law; they just don't deal with anything like that; they have never dealt with it before so they are sort of not aware.

But just something for those who are looking at Thailand, for the first time or you are looking to move here or whatever, it is a good idea to kind of try and get the best lay of the land that you can so that you sort of understand the steps that you have got to take when you come in to Thailand moving forward.