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No Guarantees

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing “No Guarantees”.  I have done videos similar to this in the past although I haven't done one in quite some time but I guess it just deserves repeating for lack of a better term. The notion that anything can really be guaranteed in a legal work context, in an immigration context, in the context of corporate law, the notion that like "Oh, I just go to a lawyer and it is an absolute foregone conclusion that X, Y, Z will get done." There are certain services out there that yes they are forgone conclusions. If certain prerequisites are met, it is possible to have the outcome, the sort of predicted outcome. 

This is not always the case. This is especially true in litigation be it Thailand or any other country. Meanwhile, Thailand has a highly discretionary bureaucratic framework especially associated with Immigration and Labour authorization. Those foreign nationals looking to come into Thailand to do business for example, they need to be well aware. I am not making this to scare people away. It is not even about ultimate outcomes but more about how things get done. People oftentimes will come to me and they will say:

"Okay, I want to get X, Y and Z done", and I would say:

"Okay we can do that, here's what we have got to do."

"Well, I don't want to do that."

“You have to. That is the way you are going to get it done. There is no way to guarantee the outcome if you don't go through the steps correctly."

Even then though, there are certain circumstances it not going to be possible to accomplish whatever the given task is. So I know that that is pretty galling under certain circumstances but unfortunately it is just kind of the nature of the beast.