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"Long-Term Tourists" and "Part-Time Expats" Back in Thailand?

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The title of this video may seem sort of redundant. I don't know what the right word is for this but what I am calling sort of “regular tourists”, “long-term tourists” kind of “part-time expats” might be another word for it; in fact that might be what I make the title of this video just while I am thinking about it. The reason for this video is with the end, getting back to something that looks status quo ante Covid, looks like something prior to March of 2020; an Immigration System that is not insanely cumbersome and difficult, we are starting to see a lot of tourism numbers rise and one thing I am seeing that I am especially happy about seeing is the return of what I call the regular tourists, the kind of part-time expat, whatever you want to call it, where these are folks usually men, at least the people I interact with, they are not expats per se insofar as they live full time in Thailand, but they will come to Thailand for like six months out of the year, oftentimes on two sides of the year. They'll come for three months at a stretch, go back to the States, or back to the West, back to Canada, Australia wherever and do another 3 months there and then they will come back here for 3 months and then they will go again. I don’t think folks in Thailand really quite understood quite the level of a driver of the Tourism Economy those folks are. In a sense, Thailand is always kind of semi new to them because everything here changes relatively quickly so every time they come back it seems like “oh this is different, that is different”, when you are talking to them it is always fun to talk to then when you have known folks like that for a long time; “oh that changed, this changed” and everything is kind of novel. I would argue they tend to probably spend more money in Thailand than even average tourists because they know where to go, they know what they like, they're happy to spend money on it, they have got sort of an end date so there is kind of a little bit more of an impetus to spend money than maybe your standard expat who lives here all year long and then they also know that they are coming back.

So all in, the so-called kind of part time expat, whatever you want to call it, long-term tourists, whatever you want to call it, these folks are I would argue a major, major driver of Tourism Revenue here in Thailand and they have definitely been missing the last couple of years because it has been nearly impossible to get into Thailand. Now you are looking at a situation where they are able to come back and I have got to say, it's great to see them back, it's great to have them back. Hopefully we will see them coming back in their cycles now again uninterrupted for hopefully into the foreseeable future.