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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawImplications for Thai Business Visas When the Emergency Decree Ends

Implications for Thai Business Visas When the Emergency Decree Ends

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possible implications that would transpire for those holding a Business Visa in Thailand so presumably a Work Permit and a Business Visa in Thailand; what would happen to those folks should the Emergency Decree promulgated March 26th, 2020 be rescinded? 

Now this Emergency Decree came into effect in the Government's response to the pandemic. It basically created a situation where there are a number of new requirements associated with Thai Immigration. Most notably those looking to travel into Thailand currently need to go ahead and get a Certificate of Entry to come into Thailand, that includes Business Visa holders. It is also notable, I think this is very noteworthy for those with Business Visas, those holding Work Permits were the only group to initially be approved to come into Thailand when they first just even slightly re-opened for people to return. So at the beginning, it was Thai nationals, Permanent Residents and folks that had a Work Permit; that was it. Even folks who were connected to Thailand by marriage or children, no they were not initially allowed. So that is something to bear in mind, keep that in the back of your head with respect to a Business Visa and Work Permits; one more reason why in my opinion it is, I hesitate to use superior, but it can be a more beneficial travel document I think moving forward compared to other types of travel documents.

So what would happen were the Emergency Decree to go away? Well two things have come about as a result of the Emergency Decree. One is COVID Insurance which is a requirement for those even on Business Visas even to get into Thailand. The other issue is a Certificate of Entry. These are both products of the Emergency Decree so should they end presumably we would not need either of those things to process through a Business Visa and things would snap back if you will to the way that they were in quarter one of 2020. So Business Visa holders, you can get on a plane and come to Thailand, no need for a Certificate of Entry, presumably no need for COVID Insurance. 

Now regulations could be promulgated in the meantime between now and the end of the presumptive end of the Emergency Decree that could change things. We don't know exactly how this would play out, but as it sits right now that is the way I see it would just snap back to what it was in quarter one of 2020. That stated will keep people updated on this channel as the situation evolves.