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Faster Processing at Thai Airports?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing what appears to be kind of good news for folks that are travelling through Thailand, coming to Thailand, leaving Thailand; it looks like there's going to be some faster processing happening through the airport here in Thailand.

I thought of thinking of this video after reading a recent article from the Nation that is, the article is titled: Suvarnabhumi to introduce faster, more efficient check-ins from Sept 1. Quoting directly: "Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport," I always joke around with my daughter, I always call it Su-var-na-bumi, sort of just pronounce it out in like the worst possible transliteration of Thai. I don't know why I thought of that. In any event, "Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport will implement a Passenger Validation System for departing local and foreign passengers at Terminal 4 from September 1." Quoting further: "In an announcement on Saturday, the airport said PVS, (again that is Passenger Validation System) will make the screening of passengers more efficient and boost the airport security level to meet International standards. To use the PVS, passengers must place their boarding pass or e-boarding pass on the reader and the system will automatically check their travel information. "The PVS will ensure that passenger screening process is fast and accurate and will prevent unauthorized persons from entering restricted or flight controlled areas" the airport said. "This system will also prevent the reuse of boarding passes that have already been scanned." So interesting, definitely I think we are looking at some developments which will likely make things move more quickly at Immigration here in Thailand for those who are looking to come in and out.

As we noted in prior videos, now this is going back a few years, but things like Biometrics were rolled out, then you had the APP System, the Advanced Passenger Processing System, PIBICS which is kind of like a security interface system, all of this stuff has been rolled out roughly in the last 5 years. It is having a tremendous impact on the overall sort of fabric if you will of the Immigration apparatus and generally speaking it is more efficient from the standpoint of people looking to come in and out of Thailand as well as being more efficient from an Immigration Law enforcement perspective.