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Do I Need a Work Permit to Get a Thai Business Visa Extension?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits and Business Visa extensions. It's a very interesting thing. Business Visas and Work Permits sort of go hand in hand. They almost, oftentimes they may create actually kind of a catch-22 set of circumstances wherein you need one to get the other and sometimes there is a situation where you can't get one and therefore you can't get the other. 

The thing to understand about this video, we are talking specifically about a Business Visa Extension in Thailand and we are talking about whether or not a Work Permit is a requirement. Generally speaking, yes it is a requirement. Generally speaking what we see with respect to standard classic Business Visas and Work Permits here in Thailand is someone will come in on a Thai Business Visa. Now oftentimes, work authorization is required in order to get that Business Visa and we made a video contemporaneously with this one wherein we discuss that work pre-authorization. Setting that aside, now you have got the Business Visa, you come into Thailand, now you need to go ahead and get the actual Work Permit in order to then turn around and be able to get the extension. It is kind of a multi-phase process. Quite frankly, for the uninitiated in this can be really, really trying; it can be quite nettlesome. We find a lot of our clients are just quite frankly relieved to be dealing with somebody when they are dealing with us who can navigate them through this rather Byzantine process. 

But yeah, once you arrive in Thailand, generally speaking you will have a 90-day Business Visa; you come in and get your Work Permit. Then, within the time period of the Business Visa you will need to turn around and deal with the extension of Business Visa status of which one of the prerequisites among quite a number of prerequisites, the Work Permit is not the only prerequisite associated with Business Visa extension but it is definitely one of the major ones. Work Permit issuance is integral to the extension of a Business Visa here in the Kingdom of Thailand.