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Criminal Background Check During the Thailand Elite Visa Process?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Criminal background checks in the context of Thailand Elite Visa processing. For those who are wondering about this, yeah it is a component. 

Thai Immigration actually runs a criminal background check on those seeking to obtain a Thailand Elite Visa. This can pose some problems with respect to the possibility that certain resources might be expended before a determination is made that "yeah that person due to their criminal background, is inadmissible to Thailand". The other issues that can come up with respect to this is if they find out about it later because under the Immigration Act here in Thailand, someone who is deemed to be sort of a threat to public health and safety or someone who is deemed sort of a threat to National Security, Immigration can either deny them entrance to Thailand or can have them removed from Thailand, have them deported. Something to bear in mind, something to think about when dealing with the issues associated with processing a Thailand Elite. Look, Thailand Elite processing is a bit convoluted; it can take some time; it also cost real money, I mean you are talking minimum 600,000 Baht investment in order to get into Thailand Elite upward, it can go up.

So these are things that you have to take into consideration when you are thinking about processing a Thailand Elite Visa and especially if you have a prior criminal record that may not be the best route to go. Again it will depend on circumstances and look there are different criminal records will have sort of different weight. I mean something that is very innocuous, kind of a minor prior incident, it may not be a problem. Meanwhile, something really serious, yeah you are probably going to be deemed inadmissible to Thailand. So in trying to parse that out, it may not be a bad idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.