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Could COVID Insurance Rule Cover Thai Business Visas?

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I have had a lot of correspondence on this topic of the so-called COVID Insurance. It has caused a lot of consternation in the expat community in my opinion because the initial reporting didn't really accurately convey the circumstances or the specifics with respect to this proposed rule. Long story short, for those who are unaware, yes it appears there is going to be a rule. It has yet to actually be formulated. We have yet to see any rules actually promulgated on this but I believe O-A retirees are probably going to have to deal with ongoing COVID-19 insurance. 

Now in the initial reporting, it seemed that it was going to apply to all Non-Immigrants Visas. I did a video where it looked like that was not the case. I am trying to put some more clarity on that in this video when we are specifically discussing Business Visas. A recent article from The Thai Examiner that is, the article is titled: Change in Insurance Rules for Retirement Visas after Some over 70s were Forced out of Thailand. Quoting directly: "Mood towards health insurance for foreigners does not get cover Business, Work or Marriage Visa holders. It comes as Thai Authorities are looking at health coverage for an aging Thai population and the need to attract more foreigners to live in Thailand to boost the economy." There is a lot of information in that article. I urge those to go check out the Thai Examiner, for more information in there. 

Long story short, I just wanted to quote that excerpt. Yes, as of now Business Visas do not look like they are being directly impacted by this. I also find it interesting that since this began, this narrative or this discussion on the possibility of COVID insurance, people have been bifurcating Business and work visas. Well there is no difference Business Visas are work visas in a sense insofar as one needs to have a Business Visa in order to get a Work Permit in Thailand. Now as some will probably point out to me in the comments of this video if I don't make this clear in the content, yeah there are things like the Smart Visa which now had inherent work authorization associated with them but I view all of that as Business Visa I mean basically. Yeah a Smart Visa is something different; it was formed differently. It is not formed directly under the Immigration Act of 1979. It has been formed since then but yeah work visas and Business Visas I just kind of roll those together when I am doing a lot of this analysis.

So for the purposes of this video for folks who are interested, yes it appears presently that Business Visa holders are not going to need to deal with this "COVID-19" insurance.