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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration Law"Big Joke" Continues to Make Headlines in Thailand

"Big Joke" Continues to Make Headlines in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn. For those who are unaware, a couple of years ago we talked about this person a lot because he was the Head of Thai Immigration and frankly he shook up a lot of things; a lot of policies; a lot of crackdowns on illegal immigrants and a lot of folks got deported during his era. There was a lot going on with Big Joke and he seems to stay in the headlines. In a way, he ended up becoming almost sort of a celebrity in the expat world. Most expats, especially ones that have lived here for the last five years are well aware of who "Big Joke" was because of a lot of the policies that he was promulgating during his tenure. 

I just thought this was interesting. It just kind of popped up, I saw it on Bangkok Post,, the article is titled "Fresh Calls to Probe "Big Joke". Quoting directly: "A lawyer has filed a complaint calling for an investigation into Police Lieutenant General Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn who allegedly misused police personnel for his own private benefit." I urge those who are watching this, go check that out if you are interested in that. I am not going to get into any further details on that. Again just for those who are unaware, we have followed him because he was such a huge name in Thai Immigration and there are those who often wonder if he could end up back in the Immigration World, if he could end up back in Immigration Police. The consensus at least for now seems to be that is very unlikely but you never know, things can always change. So, we will keep you updated on this channel as the situation progresses.