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Another Look at the Phuket Sandbox in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Phuket Sandbox. For those who are unaware, the Phuket Sandbox has been utilized in the past. It was kind of this experiment which has continued to operate wherein folks can come in with a highly truncated quarantine but they basically have to stay in Phuket, an island in Southern Thailand for a given period of time. I think it is presently seven days although in the past I think it was 10 days. If I recall when it began it was 14 days you had to stay in Phuket then it got whittled down to like 10 and then 7. How many days you have got to stay in Phuket especially in light of the fact that there have been some major policy changes here, just to go ahead and quote directly from a recent article in ASEAN NOW,, the article is titled: Thailand Suspends Thailand Pass and "Test and Go". We made a number of videos thus far regarding the end or the suspension I should say of Thailand Pass and presumably the suspension of "Test and Go". Some folks who are already coming in via those plans should be able to in although the details of that may depend on the specifics of a case; that is not really the thrust of this video. 

Quoting from this article: "After December 21, there will be no registration for "test and go", only quarantine or Phuket Sandbox said Deputy Government Spokeswoman Rachada Dhanadirek." So this is kind of where we stand at the moment. Phuket Sandbox is kind of the only way presently to get into Thailand without an extended sort of in-hotel quarantine. So with Phuket Sandbox, you come in, it is kind of similar to "test and go" insofar as I think you do a night after they tested you in a hotel room, you get out the following afternoon presuming that you test negative and then at that point you can have your run around Phuket but you can't leave Phuket. Then after a certain period of time goes by and certain tests are taken and you are cleared through those, then you are allowed to enter sort of greater Thailand if you will; come to Bangkok go to Chiang Mai, Pattaya wherever and you are allowed to go on your way. 

So just kind of an update on what that looks like as that is probably going to be the preferred methodology for a lot of folks coming in to Thailand at least at the end of the fourth quarter here of 2021 and the very beginning of 2022. I very much hope as I have made it clear in other videos we see "test and go" as well as Thailand Pass come back online sooner rather than later so that it at least allows folks to come into the rest of the country in a relatively straightforward and efficient manner.