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Alternatives to a Thai Marriage Visa Extension Application in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai marriage visas specifically. We are talking about the recent announcements from both the United States Embassy and the United Kingdom Embassy here in Thailand which basically stipulated that they will no longer be issuing what are called Income Affidavits in association with visa extension applications.

Just a quick overview. In the past it was possible to get a notarized affidavit from either the UK or the US Embassies and that affidavit would say how much income one made per month for example and then you would use that to go ahead and file for an extension of for example a Thai marriage visa application, an application for extension. You used that in the past as sort of prima facie evidence of one's ability to finance themselves and their family within the Kingdom. The US and the UK Embassy have announced that starting January 1st, 2019 they are no longer going to be issuing such documentation and as a result folks are kind of left wondering what to do about this.

There's another video specifically on how to deal with extensions in the post income affidavit era; this video though is more about alternatives. So for example, there are going to be some folks that may not be able to immediately make this transition rather quickly and in those cases it may be possible to get a one-year O Visa issued from abroad in order to provide a year's worth of leeway if you will, to go ahead and get your financial house in order. For example traveling back to one's home country and being able to prove up finances with Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a different matter than dealing with Thai immigration here in country. For example if one does have assets and income that they can show in their home countries banking system, that might be a basis for issuance of a new one year Thai O Visa based on marriage. There are posts that do issue one-year multi-entry Thai O visas. In recent years they have become fewer and farther between but they do have the ability to issue those especially in one's home country so I wanted to make this video to kind of give people an opportunity to possibly think of alternatives especially while we are going through this transition period where we are moving away from the era of Income Affidavits and moving towards a more stringent area if you will of dealing with one's proof of finances.

In the interim it may behoove certain individuals watching this video to seriously think about the alternative of getting outside of Thailand, getting a new O Visa with a 1 year validity issued and then simply returning and dealing with things that way. As stated there is another video made contemporaneously with this one where we described in more detail what the post income affidavit era I think is going to look like so those who are interested in that information are encouraged to watch that video on this channel as well.