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"Thais, Not Expats"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing “Thais, Not Expats” which was part of the headline in a recent article from the Bangkok Post print edition, Wednesday May 5th 2021.

I have had a lot of correspondence from people asking me recently, in fact I have had people blowing up my phone sending me texts and things mostly from our more senior clientele; folks that are a little bit older asking about the COVID jab registration database, whether or not foreign nationals can get on the list to get the COVID vaccine here in Thailand etc. And according to the front page of the Bangkok Post print edition again Wednesday, May 5th 2021 the article is titled: "Thais, not Expats" get Jab Priority. Quoting directly: "Thai people will always be given priority for COVID-19 vaccines the Ministry of Public Health said yesterday denying reports that some expats living in the Kingdom would also be allowed to register for free jabs." Quoting further: "However the Ministry was quick to deny that the Government had any plans to give free jabs in June and July to foreigners aged over 60 with underlying health issues." So, "quick to deny", just to note that the Government had any plans to give free jobs in June and July to foreigners age over 60 with underlying health issues. Quoting further: "So far, 1.498 million people in priority groups have been inoculated including Public Health officers, frontline workers and people in high-risk areas." 

I have had a lot of folks contact me the last couple of days asking me about, "well can I get on the registration database etc.?" That is not really within my bailiwick candidly. It is not something we are going to be able to deal with very readily. That said, it does not appear that there is any kind of priority, well there is priority it is for Thai nationals according to this article and it does not appear at least presently, that expats are going to be able to get on that list at least for the foreseeable future. 

So it remains to be seen and we will keep you updated as the situation progresses.