Cancellation of a Work Permit in Thailand

The circumstances under which a Thai work permit can be cancelled or revoked are important for foreign nationals to understand.

Thailand Education (ED) Visas

The Thai Education visa, or ED visa, can be a very useful travel document for those wishing to study in Thailand.

Triple Entry Tourist Visas and the 6 Month Tourist Visa Scheme

Comparing the old "triple entry" tourist visa system with the new 6 month multiple entry tourist visa scheme.

Information Regarding Cancellation of a US Passport

Whether in the USA or abroad, there are circumstances in which an American citizen's passport can be cancelled or revoked.

Update Regarding 10 Year Retirement Visas in Thailand

The 10 year retirement visa scheme has come into force in Thailand

US Visas for Brothers and Sisters of US Citizens

Under the law it her current form, American citizens may file for immigration benefits for their foreign siblings, but this may soon change.

US Visas for Parents of US Citizens

Immigrant visas are currently available for the foreign parents of UC Citizens, but this is unlikely to remain the case.

Can I Work In Thailand On A Retirement Visa?

Working in Thailand while present on a retirement visa is strictly prohibited.

US Visa Thailand: Extreme Vetting in the Context of the K-3 Visa

The processing of K-3 marriage visas can be impacted by the recently promulgated "extreme vetting" policies of the Trump administration.

US K-1 Fiancee Visa: What is Advance Parole?

When entering the USA on a K-1 visa, the beneficiary has 90 days lawful status. In order to preserve status in a subsequent departure advance parole is necessary.