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Thai Work from Home Policies & Corporate Addresses

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing so-called "work from home" policies. A lot of these recommendations have been promulgated by the Thai Government in recent weeks associated with their response to the COVID-19 spread in Thailand. 

Something that someone brought up to me recently, they were talking about they have a residential address and a shop house and would it maybe make sense to move their office to the residential address. For the most part they could work from home anyway and would that be a good idea? Depending on the circumstances, and I haven't really sussed it out in that particular case just yet, but yeah that may be actually a really good idea depending on the circumstances of one's business that if you have got to be working from home anyway it might be possible to go ahead and consolidate one's corporate address to one's home address. 

The shop house model in Thailand is quite an old model. Many, many Thais, especially in Bangkok operate on the shop house model as well as some of the other urban areas including but not limited to like Pattaya and Hua Hin we see a number of shop houses and a lot of Thai folks enjoy that way of maintaining their business. 

Now depending on your circumstances, especially if you are a foreign national, it may or may not be possible to enjoy the same sort of setup that perhaps a Thai national can by utilizing the shop house model for lack of a better term. I am not necessarily saying it has to be a shop house but just the model of kind of working from home kind of meets the Thai shop house model if you will. But depending on the circumstances, it made be possible to re-register a corporate address to a place where someone actually does reside so that that person can live and work in the same location.