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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitleThai Property Title: Classification Counts

Thai Property Title: Classification Counts

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing classification of Thai Property Title. I am not going to get too deep into this. I will put links in the description below. We have done a number of videos and we have a number of things out there about Thai Property Title and the various classifications but long story short it counts, it means a lot, and people aren't aware. 

We see this especially where we are dealing with folks, that may have married somebody that is from a more rural setting and they might not have title to a given piece of land at a level that a westerner thinks of title. What are we talking about here? Well Chanote Title is what we would call freehold title or fee simple absolute in a common law context. That is title; land, you can transfer to someone and now they have ownership of the land, that is Chanote title. Then you have things like Nor Sor 3 Gor and other types of I hesitate say lesser but it is lesser in the sense that the rights conferred are less, but things like Nor Sor 3 Gor, they can be converted up into Chanote which makes it more attractive because you can alienate it more easily. As you sort of descend down the list, sort of various rights fall away including the right to sell. It may get down to the point where it is just basically a right to use and in some cases it is almost a right to use if nobody else is using it sort of thing.

So the point is, especially when you are dealing with this in a rural context, it is a really good idea to first of all ascertain precisely what kind of Title that land is registered as; what is the exact nature of the Title of that piece of real estate because if you don't understand that you can get yourself into some real problems especially possibly investing in infrastructure development or something on land that can't be used for that purpose. So again, something to think about and it is a really integral part of good diligence in a property context to ascertain the nature of the Title for the property in question.