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Thai Prenuptial Agreements and Notarization

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Prenuptial Agreements sometimes referred to as Premarital Agreements. For those who are unaware, yes it is possible to perfect a Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand. It's also possible to perfect an agreement in Thailand which would be enforceable in the United States as well, so we do deal with a lot of Americans who are looking to get a Prenuptial agreement set up and done. There are a lot of formalities associated with it; it needs to be done the right way, but long story short yes, it is possible to do a prenup. 

Now the purpose of the video is notarization which having a notary, notarize the prenup, the signing of the prenup. I think this is a very good idea. It is not in the strict sense of the word an absolute necessity but I think it is a pretty good idea. In the prenups that we deal with here in our office, when the parties come in and do the signatures and everything, we go ahead and make sure that these are notarized. It's an extra fail safe if you will, in order to essentially forestall any kind of argument that there is a forged signature or anything like this. The notarization is just an extra sort of quill or I should say arrow in the quill of both parties for that matter. At the end of the day, Prenuptial Agreements are about certainty in my opinion. I know there is a lot of kind of bad rap that prenups get where it is somebody's trying to just make sure they completely deprive their spouse of everything. Well in point of fact, that is not really how it works as a practical matter. In my opinion prenups are more about transparency. It’s: "Hey, I am entering this marriage, with X, you are answering this marriage with Y; we are both aware of what we are entering with and we are making an agreement that if the marriage dissolves we are going to leave with X and we are going to leave with Y". Party A is going to leave with X, Party B is going to leave with Y. That is what we are trying to do here.

Again I think it is a matter of transparency, again other people might disagree with me but at the end of the day that's what I think it's all about. Notarization definitely helps with that because it basically extinguishes any question down the road as to whether or not one or either or both of the parties in fact signed the document.