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Thai Property Title Deeds: What Is a "Green Chanote" (Nor Sor 3 Khor)?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Title Deeds here in the Kingdom. 

We are providing this video as sort of an explanatory video with respect to some of the cosmetic differences between different types of Title Deed that exist here in the Kingdom of Thailand and how you can use certain colour coding to decipher between the different documents. 

In this video we are discussing green Chanotes.  Now to be clear, that is a bit of a misnomer using the term Chanote. What we are talking about here is a green Title Deed document and by green I mean the colour of the Garuda emblem on the Title Deed will be green and what that signifies. Strictly speaking a green Title Deed signifies a certificate of utilization also called in Thai a Nor Sor 3 Khor. Again this is different from what we would call freehold title or a Chanote.  I am titling this video with the term Chanote because when I see people refer to this on the internet they always say green Chanote, or red Chanote, or black Chanote; so they use the term Chanote. Strictly speaking this is a Nor Sor 3 Khor which is a different thing. It is a certificate of utilization. It is not freehold title in the sense that it is possible to alienate this type of title as freely as a Nor Sor 3 Khor. Strictly speaking, it is not possible to just sort of freely sell this type of property although under certain circumstances it may be feasible to do so if certain legal formalities are met. That is in contrast to a Chanote which is freehold which is "yes you can sell it. You can move it around. It can be transferable. It is much more fungible in a way than a Nor Sor 3 Khor. Again it is sort of a right of use of land if you will in a way but there is a way to upgrade into Chanote. We have made other videos on this channel related to that topic but for purposes of this video, this is about green Chanote or I should say green Title Deed, a green Garuda emblem and we are going to go ahead and throw up an image again. I am presuming my producer already threw it up one time. We will throw it up there again so you can see the green emblem denotes Nor Sor 3 Khor which is different than Chanote which is different than Nor Sor 3 which we will make another video contemporaneously with this one which goes into Nor Sor 3 as opposed to Nor Sor 3 Khor. 

As we have discussed in other videos on this channel, there are differences between all those types of title and those types of title can be upgraded from one to the next with the ultimate type of Title Deed being a Chanote title or freehold title here in the Kingdom of Thailand.