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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitleCan My Thai Corporate Assets Be Conferred in a Will?

Can My Thai Corporate Assets Be Conferred in a Will?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Wills in Thailand specifically discussing Corporate Assets. Generally speaking what I mean here is for example stock. Stock in Thai Companies be they publicly traded or be they sort of private companies. Can one's assets, one's shareholding be conferred in a Thai Will? 

Well let's say Will to begin with. With respect to a Will that is created, drafted outside of Thailand, it may or may not be relevant to Thai assets especially depending on how it is drafted and formalized. If it does not comport to rules in Thailand with respect to the formalities associated with Wills, you could have problems in probate, what we would call probate, what is actually called succession in Thailand, in the Thai system; it's a Civil code system. You may have problems with that. You may have problems processing that Will and conferring or conveying those assets to the requested beneficiary. So that could be a major issue with respect to a Will that is not drafted in line with relevant Thai laws and rules. 

Now that said a Thai Will, yeah generally speaking you are going to be able to have a Will which can convey one's bequest to one's heirs can convey that property be it Thai stock for example publicly traded stock, privately traded stock, whatever, the Will can speak to that and the Courts have the authority to basically order that that be transferred to the requested beneficiary. Again, it is going to be circumstantially dependent on the circumstances of the underlying case. 

The thing to take away from this video is yeah it is possible to have corporate assets conveyed to one's presumed heir via a Thai Will.