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Will "Normalcy" in Thailand Include PCR Tests & "Vaccine Certificates"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the notion of return to "normalcy". I have done a number of videos talking about a recent article in the Bangkok Post,, Hoping for Return to Normalcy is the title. We quoted a lot talking about how if this whole thing is declared endemic then we could possibly should see a situation where essentially a lot of this is rolled back. 

They went ahead and in this article they are quoting the Head of the Association of Thai Travel Agents’ President. In this one excerpt I just wanted to point out and this person is talking about an end of the Thailand Pass. If this is endemic, we roll back the Thailand Pass and things would go back to the way they were prior to March of 2020. Then there is this excerpt and I thought this was noteworthy, for no other reason than I strongly disagree with it. Quoting directly: "However, as health safety measures remain necessary, some requirements such as RT-PCR tests or Vaccine Certificates are acceptable, he said." Well I couldn't disagree more with that statement. Why? Why is that necessary at all if there is no Public Health threat? I have issues with Vaccine Certificates to begin with. The notion of "papers please" to be able to wander around, and as I have said in other video so what "I have got to be stabbed in the head for the rest of my born days in order to get on an airplane." Why? If it is not a threat then it is not a threat, so why would this be being done to people?

I don't like making these videos and being upset but when I read things like this where I don't know, for lack of a better term and I don't know if this was the motive, I am not trying to attribute motive here, what I am simply saying is I am sort of wondering out loud. I mean is there a push now to normalize PCR testing and Vaccination Certificates forever? If so why and to what end? If the thing is endemic and the fatality rate has dropped off and also the infection rate, it is no longer something to be really worried about, isn’t it time to just move on with our lives. Why would we keep protocols in place frankly for no ostensible reason? And as I have noted in other videos, what happened to the notion of just being left alone? Think about this for a minute, deeply. A PCR test is invasive by any metric, any way you look at that; to be stabbed in the head with one of these swabs in order to just undertake basic functions, are you kidding me? How is that in any way normal? And again and I have stated it before I can't state it emphatically enough, this notion of Passes and papers and things, it is just wrong. I think it is antithetical to most of the tenets that created Western civilization. Quite frankly I think it is very antithetical to the way that things work in Thailand, to the underlying notions of just being Thai. "Thai" means "free". 

So I saw that excerpt and it made me ponder this. I thought I would go ahead and make this video. I am hoping that as things kind of calm down and people realize that look we are able to put this behind us; hopefully we can put all of this behind us.