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When Was Your Last Prostate Exam?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, well it might not suggest exactly what you think it is. The reason I went ahead and made this video, just the last week or so people have been asking me off hand and also I have gotten a lot of weird comments where people have said: "Tell us your vaccination status. If you don't tell us then we believe that you are xyz!" Well I am not going to tell my vaccination status to anyone other than my physician. That is my business; that is medical privacy that is associated with me and my doctor and those are my decisions to make, and no, it doesn't imply anything. It is my decision to make. If I decide to make it one way or the other, it is not anybody's concern as far as I see it. Kind of the reason for the video is multiple people say "Hey what vaccine did you get? “Hey when did you get vaccinated?" "Hey, da da da da!" The first couple of times I heard and I kind of snapped on the third time and responded with: Hey, when was your last prostate exam?" I mean because in my opinion it is basically asking the same thing. You are asking me something about my personal medical history; my personal medical decisions, it is none of your business one way or the other. 

I have made a video previous to this one on this channel where we discuss what happened to Medical Privacy. There was a time Doctor-Patient confidentiality, medical privacy was viewed as sacrosanct. People's decisions that they make with their physicians are not in the public sphere, period. I don't think most of the folks, and in fact the person that I kind of popped off to with the title to this video, he kind of was taken aback. I apologized afterwards, I said "yeah sorry, it is just a lot of people have been asking me that and I just don't view it as any of their business. Not to get too deep into this or get into any kind of a rant but I just don't understand where this notion came from that anybody has the right to ask anybody about their medical status on something like this or anything else for that matter. 

So that was kind of what I was thinking about when I was going into making this video. I just thought I would do it as a follow-up to our prior video regarding medical privacy.