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Whatever Happened to Medical Privacy? (Reprise)

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing "Whatever happened to Medical Privacy?" The reason for making this video, I was thinking about this after reading a recent article in the Bangkok Post,, the article was in the POSTBAG, under the heading Unethical Reporting. Re: "Thailand's first case of monkeypox goes missing." (Bangkok Post, July 23) and "Monkeypox 'not a global emergency'," (Bangkok Post, June 27). 

The article, "Thailand's first case of monkeypox goes missing" is an injustice with regards to Medical Privacy. Plastering the man's name in public along with his personal information is an assault. When you also consider that doctors are often wrong in their diagnosis and a prudent person should always seek a second opinion if the findings are serious, then one medical opinion should not be shared until there is corroboration from an independent source." Quoting further: "To denigrate the man, it was said he engaged in "unsafe sex". If your name was plastered in a public forum and connected to a fearful disease such as monkeypox, would you not want to hide or evade social scrutiny? What other response should be respected?" 

So just some background here as what we are talking about with respect to what's going on here. There was a person who travelled into Phuket and apparently tested positive for monkeypox and then for whatever reason sort of vanished and then popped back up in Cambodia it appears. This all over out in the media. You can look all this up but his information was widely reported, in fact there are photos of him that were out on the internet along with his name and a bunch of other things. I have got to say I kind of agree with the person who wrote in the POSTBAG here and I have said this going back a while now, "Whatever happened to Medical Privacy? In this hysteria everyone has drummed up in the past couple of years with regard to public health and safety I guess, notions of Medical Privacy and Doctor/Patient confidentiality seem to have just been thrown out the window and it is really kind of terrifying. I mean if you think about it that the Press and the Media and the Government and everybody can just kind of willy-nilly tell you what to do and get access to your medical documentation and things. It is really not a society I think people when they really get down and think about it, that it is a society that people really want to live in.