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"I Believe We're Ready to Get Back to Normal Life"

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing this quote, "I believe we are ready to get back to normal life". The reason that became the title of this video came from a recent article I was reading in the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Chadchart backs 2am closing time. By the way, Chadchart is the newly elected, newly installed, Governor of Bangkok so just FYI. Quoting directly: "But he said nightlife outlets contribute considerably to the growth of the economy and an extension of the closing time will attract more people and tourists. Quote, and this is a direct quote attributed by the Bangkok Post to him: "I believe we are ready to get back to normal life", he said." I couldn't agree with the new Governor more. It is time to get back to normal life; we have got to get back to work; we have got to get back to Thailand being an entertainment centre. I kind of feel like in a sense there's this thing in America, it's this holiday and also the title one of my favourite movies, called Groundhog Day which involves a Groundhog. He comes up out of the ground, wanders around for a minute and if he sees his shadow it means there is going to be six more weeks of winter but if he doesn't see his shadow it will be an early spring. The thinking is "the groundhog is scared of his shadow, so he'll run back into his hole’ and there is kind of this notion that there will be a long winter based on that reaction. Well we can't be a Groundhog in Thailand that is scared of our shadows here. We have got to get on with it. The economy really, really needs it. I mean everything that has been happening is good, the momentum is good, I am not complaining about anything. I am not complaining about anything the Government has done really to this point. I have said my piece on some things but really now is the time to just let's just put it all behind us. It is just done and over; we are going to move on. 2022 we are going to get high season back to where we needed to be and going into 2023 this is just something to be put in the past and to move forward on because I think if we keep spinning our wheels on this here in Thailand, it is going to be a real problem because other countries aren't doing this, especially other tourism related countries are not spinning their wheels on this issue in my opinion to the extent that frankly at the moment Thailand seems to be.

I think it's time we have got to put it this behind us, move forward. We have to because look we had a hit of a 20% hit in GDP in 2020 and 2021. 2022, hopefully there will be a good high season, a good start of a high season but yeah we are still going to see 2022 probably isn't going to be near the economy we would like to see under optimal conditions. So long story short I won't I won't continue beating a dead horse on this but yeah it's definitely time to get back to normal and hopefully we are on track to do that.