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Be Careful About Travel and Cannabis in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Cannabis and travel here in Thailand. I got to thinking of making this video after reading a recent article from Thai PBS World, that is, the article is titled: Brazilian arrested in Indonesia carrying Cannabis bought in Thailand. Quoting directly: "A Brazilian student was caught at Bali Airport in Indonesia with 9.1g of Cannabis, which he had allegedly bought in Thailand, prompting warnings to both Thais and foreigners travelling from Thailand not to carry Cannabis, hemp or their extracts when they leave for countries where those substances remain illegal. According to "Coconuts Bali", the 25 year old boarded an Air Asia flight from Kuala Lumpur last week. He was arrested upon arrival at the Ngurah Airport in Bali after an x-ray detected four suspicious packets in his luggage which was found to be Cannabis. The packages were labeled "Supermao" (super high). The university student claimed that he had bought the Cannabis from Thailand. He was immediately detained. Deputy commissioner of Thailand's Immigration Bureau Pol Maj-Gen Archayon Kraithong said today Wednesday, that the arrest of the Brazilian man should serve as a warning that, even though Cannabis” (and this is key) “and even though Cannabis with a THC content of less than 0.2% by weight has been decriminalized in Thailand, they should carefully study the laws of countries they plan to visit vis a vis the legal status of Cannabis." Let's also be clear; I want to reiterate that. "even though Cannabis with a THC content of less than 0.2% by weight has been decriminalized," which stands to reason that anything that does not meet that definition or lower in terms of THC content remains potentially a legal problem for you here in Thailand. It may not necessarily be a decriminalized situation. Again, all of this is going to be heavily fact dependent so I don't want people, a lot of people try to rigidly find some rule by just sort of going out into the ether of the internet and they kind of create a rule framework in their own head that really doesn't apply in actual fact. 

So again, one thing to really be careful of is to understand that in Thailand there are rules with respect to Cannabis still and depending on circumstances there could still be legal consequences including going to jail associated with Cannabis products. Meanwhile and this is even more key, it's really, really not a good idea to be traveling internationally, especially in the current, yeah understood that Cannabis laws are kind of in flux. With a country like Canada for example where it just is legal and they have got a regulatory structure to deal with it and that is how they are going to deal with it. Then you get to the United States which is a very mixed bag. You have got different states that are essentially allowing it and other states that aren't but then you get into issues with respect to interstate commerce and then you have other countries where it is just wholly illegal especially here in Southeast Asia. Not all the countries in Southeast Asia are as liberal as Thailand and you can see serious problems, serious prison time associated with Cannabis here in Southeast Asia notwithstanding the fact that there has been a decriminalization effort which has come to fruition here in the Kingdom of Thailand.