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What Is Jail Like in Thailand?

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A fair number of people ask me this especially now that we are kind of seeing tourists back. When I am out and I bump into somebody and they just kind of want to talk about the channel or the situation in Thailand, or they find out what I do, they often ask "What's jail like? What are the prisons like over here in Thailand?" My response is "well they are awful!" They are not awful in the sense that there is anything untoward going on or nefarious going on but it is not some place you want to be. Jail just generally is not some place you want to be. They are designed to be a deterrent quite frankly to society acting counter to the social compact. It is sort of a deterrence that is there keep you from doing that.  Now they are not really doing anything inhumane to anybody in any of the Thai jails that I have dealt with or been in and I have never been inside of one, I want to be clear. I have just been there in my capacity usually as kind of an advisor usually to one of the Thai Attorneys either here in our office who needs assistance kind of facilitating communication between the client and themselves or we even deal with Counsel who are outside of our office but we deal with from time to time if we have, especially in really specialized criminal cases, a criminal defense attorney maybe required who is outside of our firm and oftentimes I'll kind of tag along. Sometimes I just like going along just to see the facility if I have never been there before. I have seen quite a number of prisons in Thailand again purely from the perspective of somebody visiting so obviously I am not going to get the full perspective of what it is really like being inside that place. Long story short yeah, I have been around them Bangkok Remand Prison, Klong Prem, the Pattaya Prison down near the Provincial Court down there as well as Immigration lock up and then once or twice I have seen kind of what you would call the local jail, it's not so much the prison. The Remand Prison in many ways is kind of where they put everybody that is sort of waiting around that is not out on bail, that is waiting around to complete adjudication of the criminal proceeding whereas Klong Prem generally is folks that have been sentenced. Again things may vary depending on circumstances and then down in Pattaya, that is kind of almost its own different kettle of fish compared to the other two. 

So it is an interesting thing to just look at or observe. Again there is nothing really inhumane per se but it is not particularly pleasant. It is not some place or it is not conditions that I think most westerners would find very comfortable and in a very real sense it is not really supposed to be all that comfortable because it is supposed to act as kind of a deterrent to crime. So that's kind of my basic assessment if you will, what little I can impart with respect to my perspective on what the jails are like here in the Kingdom of Thailand.