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There's More Than One Thai Supreme Court?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are asking, "There's more than one Supreme Court in Thailand?" Okay so let's put it this way, there's not more than one in the sense that there are multiple Supreme Courts that can each sort of overrule each other, that's not what we are talking about. 

The Thai system, the Thai Judicial system if you will, kind of bifurcates, well not bifurcated, split up different judicial functions based on the subject matter at issue. So for example, there is a specific Supreme Court for political offenses, political operators; they have their own Court System. Meanwhile the Administrative Court, there's a Supreme Administrative Court. Now to the best of my knowledge and again I had a discussion with the Thai lawyers here in the firm, I want to be very clear, I am an American Attorney; I am a naturalized Thai citizen but my background, I am an American Attorney so I come at this from sort of an outsider's perspective in terms of the analysis. But I kind of look at it like how we have in various agencies in the United States there is this notion, what is called the Exhaustion Doctrine where you have to go through their adjudicatory mechanism before you can get over for example to the Trial Court. What the Thai system sort of did was they said no we are just going to create if you will, the way I look at is they said we are going to create specific Courts for specific subject matters. So for example if you have some sort of grievance or you have been wronged by the Administrative Apparatus here in Thailand, one of the agencies or something, you would need to go through the Administrative Court to gain some sort of remedy for that. Again different Courts for sort of different subject matter here in the Kingdom of Thailand.