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A Note To 70 Year Old Foreign Retirees In Thailand...

Transcript of the above video:

I usually do these videos for retirees, talking about Retirement Visas etc. This video is a little bit more humorous, I hope folks watching this video, especially those of you who have kept up with this channel with a certain degree of frequency, will find the humour in this especially since we have seen, roughly the past two weeks sort of retirees being conflated in with like foreign Mafias and things of this nature, foreign criminals, because there was a recent article, in I believe the Bangkok Post. We did a video on this, wherein the deputy National Police Chief Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn, who used to be the head of the Immigration Police was sort of quoted as talking about Retirement Visa requirements in an article that seemed to juxtapose the issue of foreign criminal elements that were being rounded up by Thai Authorities and that seemed to be kind of disjointed so I thought to kind of sort of close the circle on the kind of interesting distortedness here, I'll make this video. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: No VIP room for Thaksin say police. Quoting directly: "Thaksin was not chained because the law spares convicts younger than 16 years old or older than 70 from any confinement tools that could otherwise obstruct treatment." So if you go in and I urge those watching this video, go check out that article. We don't usually like to make commentary on Thai politics here so yes, obviously it is in the news and it is for the news outlets to report. Yes Thaksin is back, he has been incarcerated and we are dealing with that but he has now been put into a hospital and is receiving treatment notwithstanding the fact that he is currently in incarceration. And as noted again quoting directly: "Older than 70 from any confinement tools." So again, if you are older than 70 and as noted in prior videos, if you happen to be part of a foreign mafia and you are here on a Retirement visa and you are somehow apprehended in that capacity, if you do get sick then presumably you would not be subject to confinement tools if you need to get treatment. 

So obviously this is kind of a joke video; I am not being overly serious. I don't think anybody that is looking to come to Thailand on a Retirement Visa is looking to do so in order to engage in criminal activity. Nor do I think it would be even likely that you would see somebody in that situation that would be actually incarcerated or anything. Obviously again this is kind of absurdist. But my point is, hey there is an upside for you. If you retire in Thailand and you do get arrested, you don't have to worry about being under confinement tools while you are being treated for some sort of ailment that comes part and parcel with getting older in this world. So, thank God for small miracles.