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Can Police Use Your Smart Phone To Track You?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing whether or not the police can use your smartphone to track you. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article in the Thai Examiner, that is, the thrust of this article goes in a very different direction. I have done a number of videos already analyzing the underlying subject matter in this article, I urge those who are watching this video go check out our channel to find out more on that. But this is a small excerpt on something that kind of goes a different direction. Every now and then I am reading these when I am doing research to put up information, put up videos on this channel, I come upon something within a broader article that has specific importance but not within the thrust of the article itself if you will.

So quoting directly from a recent article on the Thai Examiner, that's, the article is titled: Biggest Sex for Sale website shut down by police unit in early morning raid targeting foreigners. Quoting directly: "Police at the press conference indicated that they had used Miss (and I am going to redact the name) they had used Miss what's her name's iPhone to track her whereabouts and coordinate her arrest last Sunday morning as she came off her flight at Suvarnabhumi Airport to be greeted by waiting Officers with an arrest warrant." I am going to quote that again: "Police at the press conference indicated that they had used Miss X's iPhone to track her whereabouts and coordinate her arrest last Sunday morning as she came off her flight at Suvarnabhumi Airport to be greeted by waiting Officers with an arrest warrant." Without directly coming out and just putting it in your face and saying "hey we can track you", I mean that is as close to my mind as the police are going to get to saying "yeah hey your smartphone is trackable. You're wearing a LoJack!" much like someone on parole or probation for example in the United States, although more and more those technologies are being utilized here in Thailand you are wearing a LoJack, you are wearing something that allows them to track you. 

I really think especially, I am a very odd individual in terms of age wherein I was born and grew up, basically got to my late adolescence, early adult life when the system sort of switched over. To quote sort of Fight Club where he says: "the cigarette burns at the upper corner of a film”, when a projector is running and it switches over, there is a little dot in the upper corner that shows that they switched over from one reel to the next. In my life it was sort of like the first roughly 20 years of my life were on analog and then the latter 20 years of my life have gone into digital where we have seen all these digital technologies, smartphones are ubiquitous and all of this. Those of us that grew up before all this came about, we have always viewed these things as “well obviously a smartphone can track you”. But again folks that have been born since the turn of the millennium, especially now where there are people around even I would say that don't even really remember the pre-cell phone age. In fact I would say anybody born after the millennium probably doesn't remember the pre-cell phone age and we are getting to the point where there is people who don't remember the pre-smartphone era. For those folks it may be some big surprise that "oh my gosh, the government can track you using this phone!" They can. For people like me it is just kind of self-evident, but I do get it. I came up I grew up in a very different time and place than we are currently at now and for this reason it seems again self-evident to me. Something to bear in mind though. Yeah without coming out and just directly banging you over the head with it, they are saying "yes your smartphone can be used to track you!"