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"Big Joke" Cracks Down on Thai Immigration?

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A name that will often come up amongst expats when discussing Thai Immigration and Thai visas is the name "Big Joke" the former head of Thai Immigration who has had a rather interesting career to say the least. It has been rather interesting to follow him and the beat goes on as they say.

The reason I thought of making this video, I was reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that is There is a lot of information in here, I am going to quote a quick excerpt. I urge those who are watching this video go check out that article for themselves. The article is titled: 11 Immigration Police Officials arrested on bribery charges. Quoting directly: "Eleven Government officials, including six Immigration Police, have been arrested and charged for allegedly taking bribes to facilitate the release of five foreign fishing trawlers earlier confiscated for illegally fishing in Thai waters. Police Lieutenant General Surachate Hakparn, Assistant National Police Chief, on Friday evening announced the arrest of 11 officials for alleged graft and malfeasance." So, this is kind of par for the course for those who have kind of kept track of this whole meme if you will. The theme of "Big Joke" out here is he does seem to crack down pretty heavily on graft and corruption, at least at a time it seemed exclusively to be within the Immigration because that was what he was charged with. Now, as the Assistant National Police Chief he has a little bit broader scope and so we are seeing this stuff in a little bit broader context. It is interesting because it looks like he has kind of circled back, you deal with what you know, I guess at the end of the day and he has been looking at sort of scrutinizing what is going on within the Immigration apparatus.

Interesting that these developments have occurred and it does not look like we are going to see "Big Joke" exit the stage any time soon. I suspect he is probably going to be around practicing law enforcement here in Thailand into the relatively foreseeable and perhaps unforeseeable future. We will certainly keep people updated on this channel as the situation evolves.