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"Arrestable Behaviour Leading to Deportation" from Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing so-called arrestable behaviour and deportation in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that's, the article is titled: Migrant workers with or without documentation granted temporary amnesty. Quoting directly: "There is general consensus that the system of economic migrant permits needs urgent revision. The Thai economy is heavily dependent on workers from neighbouring countries but the registration process is months-long slow and costs individuals or their employers 20,000 Baht. Under these circumstances, it is tempting for all concerned to ignore the regulations and work illegally even though, in theory, this is arrestable behaviour leading to deportation." 

Yeah so specific in that article and I urge those who are watching this video to go read that article in detail, there is a lot of good information in there. It specifically pertains to so-called migrant workers here in Thailand. There are many folks from the surrounding countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar specifically and now apparently Vietnam as well, who are increasingly engaging in migrant labour here in Thailand. They travel in for either a temporary or prolonged period of time and work in Thailand and depending on the specific Memorandum of Understanding that Thailand has with another Government regarding these migrant workers, there are different regimes associated with maintaining work authorization and Visa authorization here in the Kingdom. So that doesn't pertain overly to the general audience of this channel. Our audience generally is going to be westerners so-called Farang coming to Thailand looking to live and work and under those circumstances, yeah I get it work authorization in Thailand is something that's kind of nettlesome to deal with. It's just one of those things where you are just sitting there going "okay" - I've had to slog through it myself, I don't have to deal with that so much anymore, but I've been through it; I totally sympathize; it's a process that sometimes makes you want to pull your hair out quite frankly. But do not succumb to the temptation to just forget about it and not, not go ahead and get your authorization and deal with your Visa accordingly because it can lead to real problems. Most notably again it is a deportable offense to work in Thailand without work authorization and it can lead to some real problems. You could be blacklisted for it; you could be put in a position where you could not return to Thailand. 

At the end of the day, in my opinion it's just far more straightforward and you'll have far more peace of mind living in Thailand if you want to work here, by going ahead and getting the proper Business Visa and Work Permit in order to maintain lawful status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.