Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
Should There Be a Standardized System for Blacklist Waivers in Thailand?
A discussion on Blacklisting in Thailand and whether the system could be adjusted to include the possibility of waivers.
Will Tourists Travel to a "Dry" Thailand?
A discussion and some insight regarding the reopening of Thailand on November 1 and whether it would be a better idea to lift the alcohol ban on the same day.
The Interaction Between Thai Immigration & Criminal Law
A discussion on dealing with criminal charges in Thailand and immigration consequences that could occur thereafter.
What If I Don't Comply with Quarantine Rules in Thailand?
Some information with regards to Quarantine Rules in Thailand and what to expect if one should be found in violation of those rules.
Thailand's Criminal Law System Is Not Adversarial
A quick talk on how the Thai Civil Law system differs from Common Law system in that it is not designed to be adversarial.
Criminal Penalties for Engaging in Restricted Occupations in Thailand?
Some occupations in Thailand are restricted to foreigners and criminal penalties are inflicted on those who engage is such occupations.
Thai Criminal Law: Extradition
A talk on being extradited from Thailand and the difference between extradition and deportation.
Overstay and Deportation in Thailand?
A discussion on Thai Criminal Law and Immigration Law and how they interact with one another in the context of extradition and deportation.
Thailand Not a "Safe Haven" for Criminals?
A discussion on fugitives specifically that the Thai Police are very serious about keeping criminals out of the country.
Update on Laws Against Filming People in Thailand
A reminder regarding filming people in Thailand without their consent which is against the law in Thailand and can bring about some serious ramifications.