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Why Second Guess the Man on the Ground?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing questioning the "man on the ground"; questioning the judgment of the "man on the ground". Here recently in the past few weeks, I think this actually is a byproduct of quarantine. Folks are either in a "sandbox" setup or they are in an actual Quarantine Hotel or just the fact that people are spending a lot more time at home and often times on the computer, I think they just have more time on their hands to search for things.

The phenomenon I am talking about here and we get this a lot, well not a lot but occasionally we will get somebody, we will be doing something for them; they have retained us to assist with some task or another and we will explain the process, what we are going to be dealing with, what we need from them and tell them the timeline and feasibility regarding, "well this may work but right now," again for example the situation on the ground in Thailand is kind of fluid from Office to Office, District to District in the city here as well as from changwat to changwat, from providence to province, things are being run a little bit differently in fact wildly differently depending on where you go. 

So the reason for the video is we will tell people something, "okay this is how we can get this done" and they say: "Well, I read online that I could do it like this." or "somebody told me that their brother's sister's cousin went to this Office and got XYZ done." I am not necessarily faulting folks. If you read something on the internet, I hear that every day. "Oh well I read on the internet that I could do XYZ". Sometimes it is true, sometimes it is not or sometimes it is a situation where “look we are doing what is working, what has been consistently working“, and often times when you are in the practice of law, or when you are dealing with Immigration, deal with what works. Getting into hypothetical scenarios where "well we can do this Office and talk to this person", you are getting into a scenario where there is a bunch of moving parts. If it is not a proven thing, and look proven things have to be proved. Sometimes you are just starting from zero and you have to figure it out from scratch, but in scenarios especially where here in our office where we are dealing with Immigration a lot or we are dealing with certain offices for example Embassies or certain Government Offices frequently and we say "Look, this is what has been working for us." I question whether it is a good idea to try to second guess what is actually proven to work.

I am not making this video to lay any blame at anybody. I think part of it happens because I think people are dealing with their own case and in their world that is the only case that is out there. We are dealing with a number of cases every day and it may seem a little bit terse or it may seem a little bit clinical in that we sort of say "well look we have processed 80 of these cases in the last 18 months. This has always worked. This is what we are going to do. We understand you would like it to work a different way but this is what has been working." I do get it. People would prefer it to be different but sometimes it is best to just do what works and just move on. Again I question whether or not, and in my opinion I think it is spinning one's wheels; it is a waste of resources. If you don't like the way that something is going to work out with the person that has been doing it, seek somebody else. Go someplace and find somebody who is going to do it the way you want it done. In my opinion, if the way we are doing something works, I don't particularly see any need to change it.