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Contact us: +66 2-266 3698 [email protected] THAILAND CRIMINAL CODE Book2, section Page 24 Specific Offences Title I Offences Relating to the Security of the Kingdom Chapter 1 Offences Against the King section 107 - 112 Page 25 Specific Offences Title I Offences Relating to the Security of the Kingdom Chapter 2 Offences Against the Internal Security section 113 - 117 Page 26 Specific Offences Title I Offences Relating to the Security of the Kingdom Chapter 3 Offences Against the External Security section 118 - 125 Page 27 Book II Specific Offences Title I Offences Relating to the Security of the Kingdom Chapter 4 Offences Against the Friendly Relation with Foreign States section 126 - 135 Page 28 Specific Offences Title I/I The Offence in Respect of Terrorism section 135/1 - 135/4 Page 29 Specific Offences Title II Offence Relating to Public Administration Chapter 1 Offence Against Officials section 136 - 142 Page 30 Specific Offences Title II Offence Relating to Public Administration Chapter 2 Malfeasance in Office section 143 - 149 Page 31 Specific Offences Title II Offence Relating to Public Administration Chapter 2 Malfeasance in Office section 150 - 157 Page 32 Specific Offences Title II Offence Relating to Public Administration Chapter 2 Malfeasance in Office section 158 - 163 Page 33 Specific Offences Title III Offence Relating to Justice Chapter 1 Offence Against the Judicial Officials section 164 - 171 Page 34 Specific Offences Title III Offence Relating to Justice Chapter 1 Offence Against the Judicial Officials section 172 - 179 Page 35 Specific Offences Title III Offence Relating to Justice Chapter 1 Offence Against the Judicial Officials section 180 - 187 Page 36 Specific Offences Title III Offence Relating to Justice Chapter 1 Offence Against the Judicial Officials section 188 - 193 Page 37 Specific Offences Title III Offence Relating to Justice Chapter 2 Malfeasance in Judicial Office section 194 - 201 Page 38 Specific Offences Title IV Offence Relating to Religion section 202 - 208 Page 39 Specific Offences Title V Offence Relating to Public Peace section 209 - 214 Page 40 Specific Offences Title VI Offence Relating to Causing Public Danger section 215 - 222 Page 41 Specific Offences Title VI Offence Relating to Causing Public Danger section 223 - 230 Page 42 Specific Offences Title VI Offence Relating to Causing Public Danger section 231 - 238 Page 43 Specific Offences Title VII Offence Relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration Chapter 1 Offence Relating to Currencies section 239 - 245 Page 44 Specific Offences Title VII Offence Relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration Chapter 2 Offence Relating to Seals Stamps and Tickets section 246 - 252 Page 45 Specific Offences Title VII Offence Relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration Chapter 2 Offence Relating to Seals Stamps and Tickets section 253 - 261 Page 46 Specific Offences Title VII Offence Relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration Chapter 3 Offence Relating to Documents section 262 - 268 Page 47 Specific Offences Title VII Offence Relating to Counterfeiting and Alteration Chapter 4 Offence Relating to the Electronic Card section 269 - 269/5 Page 48 Specific Offences Title VIII Offence Relating to Trade section 269/6 - 274 Page 49 Specific Offences Title IX Offence Relating to Sexuality section 275 - 277 Page 50 Specific Offences Title IX Offence Relating to Sexuality section 278 - 282 Page 51 Specific Offences Title IX Offence Relating to Sexuality section 283 - 285 Page 52 Specific Offences Title X Offence Against Life and Body Chapter 1 Offence Causing Death section 286 - 289 Page 53 Specific Offences Title X Offence Against Life and Body Chapter 2 Offence Against Body section 290 - 296 Page 54 Specific Offences Title X Offence Against Life and Body Chapter 3 Offence of Abortion section 297 - 302 Page 55 Specific Offences Title X Offence Against Life and Body Chapter 4 Offence of Abandonment of Children Sick Persons or Aged Persons section 303 - 308 Page 56 Specific Offences Title XI Offence Against Liberty and Reputation Chapter 1 Offence Against Liberty section 309 - 312 Page 57 Specific Offences Title XI Offence Against Liberty and Reputation Chapter 1 Offence Against Liberty section 312 bis - 316 Page 58 Specific Offences Title XI Offence Against Liberty and Reputation Chapter 1 Offence Against Liberty section 317 - 321 Page 59 Specific Offences Title XI Chapter 2 Offence of Disclosure of Private Secrets Chapter 3 Offence of Defamation section 322 - 328 Page 60 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 1 Offence of Theft and Snatching section 329 - 334 Page 61 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 1 Offence of Theft and Snatching section 335 - 335 bis Page 62 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 2 Offence of Extortion Blackmail Robbery and GangRobbery section 336 - 338 Page 63 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 2 Offence of Extortion Blackmail Robbery and GangRobbery section 339 - 340 Page 64 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 3 Offence of Cheating and Fraud section 340 bis - 342 Page 65 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 3 Offence of Cheating and Fraud section 343 - 348 Page 66 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 4 Offence of Cheating Against Creditors Chapter 5 Offence of Misappropriation section 349 - 356 Page 67 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 6 Offence of Receiving Stolen Property Chapter 7 Offence of Mischief section 357 - 361 Page 68 Specific Offences Title XII Offence Against Property Chapter 8 Offence of Trespass section 362 - 366