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Comparing Thai and American Tax Returns

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai and American Tax returns. Tax is something of an issue. It's big issue for Americans abroad, something of an issue here in Thailand for expats depending on your circumstances. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent comment on our channel, quoting directly: "My Thailand Tax Return is so simple. The secretary does it in less than 15 minutes. My US Tax Return is so complicated, it requires a tax account that specializes in expat taxes which costs me over $1,000 each year." Yeah, the unfortunate fact of the matter is currently the present state of us tax law especially as it pertains to those who are overseas, is complex in the extreme. In fact I'd say the word Byzantine is probably spot on to describe the situation with respect to US Tax matters for expats. But long story short, yeah Thailand has a tax return system too. I think it's a little interesting in that comment that person says, "it is easy, my secretary helps." Yeah it's easy for those that can speak, read and write Thai and foreigners here in Thailand, it's actually a very good idea for foreigners in Thailand to get advice from an Accountant or some other type of legal advisor, Tax advisor here in Thailand because the translation issue, the language barrier itself, can cause some real problems for a foreigner. 

That said, again if you are dealing with somebody, a Thai person who knows how to deal with the individual tax return here in Thailand, yeah it is a pretty straightforward process.  Meanwhile, trying to deal with US Taxes, especially for expats who are abroad, again pretty complex. I don't generally assist people on an individual basis with respect to US Taxes; I am an American Tax Attorney. We can refer folks to people who do provide individualized tax assistance here in Thailand. I do have some dealings in the corporate, I occasionally advise regarding Thai Corporate Tax, excuse me not Thai Corporate Tax but US Corporate Tax matters as it pertains to Thailand. This also happens under the auspices of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which I have discussed in great detail in other videos. 

But long story short yeah I think it's definitely safe to say the US Tax system is far more complex than that of Thailand although I say that with the asterisk that there is a language barrier with respect to the Thai Tax System which can jam up some foreigners looking to work and pay taxes here in the Kingdom of Thailand.