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Proposed Tax Cuts for Foreign Experts in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of a reduced tax burden on foreign experts looking to come into Thailand. We have been talking about this for some months. This has actually been something going on in the background of all this discussion of these wealthy expat visas that have been approved in principle that we have discussed a lot on this channel.

To quote directly from a recent article ASEAN NOW, that is, the article is titled: Tax Cut to Attract Foreign Experts to Work in Thailand and this is from Bangkok (NNT): Quoting directly "The Revenue Department is mulling the possibility of reducing personal income tax for foreign experts to 17% in an effort to bring in foreign talented professionals to work in Thailand. As we have discussed, when this first came up, this was rejected. It seemed to be rejected out of hand because the thinking was why should foreign nationals be granted a better tax rate in a sense then local nationals?

Now this is some speculation and analysis on my part. I suspect there is a good chance this won't happen. This won't end up being promulgated because it does create this kind of weird disparity where foreigners are being taxed at a level lower than locals. Now that is not a foregone conclusion. I am not saying that is how this will play out but that is just my gut reaction to this whole thing; that is how it looks to me. Now that being stated it may come to the point where there is a feeling that getting some new blood if you will, getting some foreign nationals into Thailand with high earning potential that could be a source of revenue is just such an urgent need that that policy may change and that may happen. If it does we will certainly keep people updated on this channel as the situation evolves.