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Foreign YouTubers and Taxes in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are talking about foreign YouTubers in Thailand. We have done some videos on YouTube; I have got varying levels of positive and negative feedback on some of these videos because people, I have talked about Work Permit, work authorization, Business Visas associated with YouTubers.

Look as with anything you have to understand: a) the Law looks backwards, the Law never looks forward. In fact a wiser man than myself told me that, somebody that was really a mentor to me in the legal profession. The law looks backward and YouTube is the wave of the future. It is the next generation of how we view things and how we how we find information as well. I believe YouTube is the second largest English language search engine next to Google which then owns YouTube. 

That being said, the point of this video is in other videos I have done regarding YouTubers really should have a Work Permit for example, I got some derision, some blowback on that because: "Well it is not a big deal", who is going to figure it out?", "who is going to enforce it?". Yeah, and that is an attitude I understand, the thinking, I understand the argument but understand this, Thai Authorities are serious about taxes and even though perhaps today they don't have an enforcement mechanism or a particularly sophisticated enforcement mechanism in place for dealing with not only collecting but assessing taxes on YouTubers, you can bet that if there is major Revenue out there that is being derived by folks who are working in Thailand there is going to be a policy impetus in the Revenue Department, in the tax apparatus that is going to want to start looking at ways of collecting that tax.

Now I don't know if that is going to happen tomorrow, I doubt it; or if it is going to happen two years from now, it is possible or if it is going to happen 20 years from now. I don't know when exactly that could happen but I definitely think there is a high likelihood that it will happen. So those who are or they really have a major or presence on YouTube and they are operating in Thailand, those folks really need to have a look at not only regularizing their status with respect to Immigration for example Business Visas or a Marriage Visa along with labor status, Work Permits but you also need to realize that more than anything, the tax man, what is it they say? "There are only two certainties in life - death and taxes." You can bet that if there is tax revenue to be had, the Revenue Department is going to try to find ways to get it.