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Customs Issues Bringing Cars to Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Customs issues associated with bringing cars to Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article, well no I was reading a recent comment on our channel, quoting directly: "Benjamin please do a video about transporting a vehicle from the USA to Thailand." 

Yeah it is certainly possible to put a vehicle into a container and bring it over to Thailand but the thing you have got to keep in mind is Customs is a major component associated with that process; there are a lot of costs and tax, well tax might not be the best way to put it, Customs duties associated with bringing a vehicle into Thailand. 

It's our understanding that if you want to bring a vehicle into Thailand, you are basically going to get hit for 100% tax effectively on the value of that vehicle. So whatever it is worth, basically double it and that's what they want to see in terms of customs duties for bringing that car in. So that's something to bear in mind when you are looking at possibly bringing a vehicle here to the Kingdom of Thailand.