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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Tax Law"100% Digital Tax System" in Thailand by 2028?

"100% Digital Tax System" in Thailand by 2028?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing tax. Specifically we are discussing the possible future of the tax regime here in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that's, the article is titled: Businesses urged to use digital tax system. Quoting directly: "The Revenue Department is encouraging entrepreneurs to use the digital tax system which will make Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds five times faster than they currently are, says the Director-General Lavaron Sangsnit. The Department aims to have a 100% digital tax system by 2028. The department's digital road map aims to achieve the following: service providers must be able to prepare information and file tax returns on behalf of the taxpayer by 2024; large businesses must be able to create Electronic Tax invoices by 2025; large businesses must be able to file tax returns electronically by 2027; and all entrepreneurs must be able to file tax returns electronically by 2028." Now they say "must be able to”. It is starting to look to me like “must do” as time goes on. They say "be able to".

You know there is something to be said for paper filings. I have always filed paper tax returns associated with my US taxes, I just prefer doing it that way. I like to be able to read the actual pieces of paper. There is something about looking at things on a screen, I don't digest the information well enough. Now that said, I understand there are efficiency concerns, there are all kinds of concerns on the Government side associated with why they would not want to continue to maintain sort of an analog tax system if you will, a paper-based tax system. I get it but then the individual list in me kind of says 'well is that necessarily good for me, the fact that you want everything digitized and everything at your fingertips?' Maybe probably not. It is probably going to make tax assessment much more efficient and that means making it easier for the government to get my money, I mean at the end of the day. Now that said, I get it. We have tax obligations; they do things like build roads and contribute to society, I get all of that but I won't lie and say that a completely digitized tax system is not really, really creepy to me. That said, I do understand the argument at least in favour of more efficiency associated with the bureaucracy associated with tax collection here in the Kingdom of Thailand.