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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawYes, There Are Limits To US-Thai Amity Treaty Benefits

Yes, There Are Limits To US-Thai Amity Treaty Benefits

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the US-Thai Treaty of Amity and this is a major benefit. This is an International Treaty between the Kingdom of Thailand and the United States. It provides a great deal of benefit to many of the folks, specifically Americans who avail themselves of it.

For those who are unaware, it is possible to do business in Thailand notwithstanding the provisions of the Foreign Business Act which usually would require a 49/51 foreign to Thai shareholder ratio on a given limited company. With Amity Treaty benefits for an American it is possible to own one's company 100% pursuant to the National Treatment Clause of the Treaty itself.

Now the reason for the video is there are limits. The Treaty of Amity does not cover everything. Things like agriculture, certain fiduciary functions, professional services, land trading, inland transportation, matters pertaining to national defense, matters pertaining to like national cultural arts and crafts kind of stuff, all of that is not necessarily going to be covered under the provisions of the Treaty. 

So that said, if you are an American looking to set up a company here in Thailand and avail yourself of the benefits of the Treaty of Amity, it is a very good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.