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Work Permit Pre-Authorization in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits specifically work pre-authorization here in Thailand. What is work pre-authorization? Well a lot of folks don't know it but there was a time when it was pretty easy to get a Thai Business Visa. In fact there was a time about 10 years ago, 8-10 years ago when we would frequently assist people in getting a one year multiple entry Business Visa for Thailand, especially out of the US, the UK, much of Europe, even  Australia, Canada. It was possible, I am not going to say it was easy but it was pretty straightforward to get a one-year multi-entry B Visa and just come in to Thailand; you didn't need any Work Permit or anything. Those days are long gone and now I haven't even seen an issued multi-entry B Visa in years, I don't think. Well no I saw a few right at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns mostly because they were like kind of a throwback to about a year or so before. 

Long story short, the question opposed by this video, "what is work pre-authorization?" Well in the past, you just applied for a Business Visa. Now they want to see something called a WP3 Work Authorization document which is essentially kind of a pre-Work Permit. It is a pre-authorization document that is submitted with a Business Visa application for Thailand and generally speaking now you are only going to be able to get one issued if you have a WP3, and generally speaking you have to have a Company or at least a Corporate sponsor to get a WP3 issued which kind of creates a catch 22 situation for folks wishing to set up an operation in Thailand because they have got to set it up and essentially have it sponsor folks, have it act as their own sponsor. We assist with that quite frequently, we have a number of solutions to deal with that but yeah work pre-authorization in Thailand is an issue especially for those looking to come in on a Business Visa.