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Why Is There a Syphilis Test for Thai Work Permits?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Syphilis tests in the context of Thai Work Permits. For those who have ever had a Thai Work Permit or maintain a Thai Work Permit, you are well aware of the medical examination requirements associated with maintenance of a Thai Work Permit. Noted on that test, one of the boxes they tick regards Syphilis.

I started thinking about this after reading an article in the Bangkok Post, that is, the article is titled: More Incentives for Foreign Film Shoots. Quoting directly: "Rules and regulations pertaining to foreign film shoots involved various agencies, while Work Permit procedures are not convenient for film shoots, the import tax for equipment is relatively high and state agencies' regulations for use of public areas are unclear." Quoting further: "A major obstacle is some regulations are outdated such as a requirement that actors take a blood test for Syphilis he said." Yeah, it is still required. It is still a requirement associated with a Work Permit; you have got to deal with this Syphilis test. It is basically just a throwback and it is a throwback to a time going back to the days of Al Capone who I believe died in a sanitarium with Syphilis. There was a time when Syphilis was a major scourge on humanity before antibiotics were invented and warded it off. 

I honestly think this still remains just kind of a throwback to earlier times that is still required in association with obtaining a Work Permit here in the Kingdom of Thailand.