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Thai Work Permits and Education History

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Work Permits specifically we are discussing this in the context of education history. Now when you are dealing with a Thai Work Permit and understand this is separate and apart from a Thai Business Visa, no they are not the same thing; again there are certain visas, the Smart Visa for example, the LTR Visa which may, may, I stress depending on the category have work authorization built into it but again most folks aren't going to be seeking out those visas. What we usually deal with is a standard Business Visa with a Thai Work Permit.

Yeah, in most cases involving and I stress most, every case is different and circumstances will sort of drive the analysis on how a Thai Work Permit will process, but long story short, yeah the Work Permit itself, oftentimes they are going to want to see effectively your CVs, they are going to want to see your education history. Now they don't necessarily need to see like a ton of certified stuff although again it depends. There are certain Embassies abroad especially to even issue a B Visa, they want certain documentation certified. So again, it might not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance on that particular topic before you proceed. 

But the thing to take away from this video is at the end of the day you are at least going to need to disclose your education history in the process of seeking a Work Permit here in the Kingdom of Thailand.