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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawThai Company Setup: Fast If You Know What You Are Doing

Thai Company Setup: Fast If You Know What You Are Doing

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Company set up. I have had a lot of people ask me how fast or how long does it take you to do this or we will do it and then we will see people over the years use either other service providers, try to do things on their own, and a lot of people come back to me and say "Wow you guys really can get that done pretty fast" like sort of the question is "What's your secret?" 

Well you know how to get to Carnegie Hall don't you? It's practice. If you're doing it all the time you get fast at it. Quite honestly yeah we set up companies in a pretty efficient manner compared to others because we are used to doing it. We know the protocols, we know the procedures associated with incorporation here in Thailand and we undertake to do it as quickly as we can in the manner in which that it's prescribed. I mean there's no cutting corners or anything. It needs to be done right but if you have dealt with it for a fairly prolonged period of time and you know how to deal with it, it's pretty, I hesitate, nothing is easy especially with respect to legal work here in Thailand but yeah incorporation of a Thai Company it's not something that; for those who have never done it before I'm sure it would be just, you would want to pull your hair out. In fact quite frankly, when I first got started out here and had to deal with some of that for our own firm here, yeah it is pretty maddening if you have never dealt with it before but once you are used to it, even the kind of more catch-22 aspects of certain parts of the process, they are almost kind of endearing once you get used to it.

So the thing to take away from this video, the reason for this video is yeah in a sense, I have some people sometimes look at us askance with respect to speed of a company set up because they say "oh well, I didn't know it was going to be that quick" or whatever or they kind of say, "is everything done right?" Yeah everything is done right, it is just that we are used to doing it. We are efficient in getting it done and we form companies in a fairly straightforward manner.