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An Overview of Company Setup in Thailand: SMEs

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing small to medium sized enterprises and Thai incorporations, incorporation of Thai Companies for such operations. I am taking this more from the standpoint of small; medium-sized less so but I think it pertains to either.

Small businesses here in Thailand we see a lot of foreign nationals that look into this. It can be a really beneficial thing to set up a Thai Company, use that Thai Company as a vehicle to run one's business here in Thailand and also use it to maintain Work Permit and Visa status. In fact, for those who are looking at being here in Thailand long term, you can maintain that status in such a way that you can put yourself sort of on the road to getting for example Permanent Residence or ultimately Thai Citizenship. So again there are some long-term options associated with setting up a Company. 

Now one thing you have got to ascertain from the outset is how you want to proceed. We have done a number of videos on this channel but it is going to vary from person to person. For example, there is the US-Thai Treaty of Amity for Americans. They can avail themselves of the provisions of that Treaty to own their Company basically outright here in Thailand which is a major benefit as the Foreign Business Act generally restricts most business activity to having 51% Thai ownership which is another scenario that can be utilized by a Foreign National quite effectively for that matter, to utilize a 51/49 Company to maintain their business operation again and use it as a vehicle for Work Permits and Visas here in Thailand. Then there are other things like Board of Investment we have discussed this a lot. They can grant concessions to those who meet their criteria with respect to the business activity they are looking to promote in Thailand. And as we have noted in other videos, the Eastern Economic Corridor there are authorities within that jurisdiction or that area, that economic area which may be able to also grant concessions.  

So there are a number, in the words from where I come from, there are a million ways to skin a cat. There are a number of ways to go ahead and utilize a Thai Company to maintain status in Thailand so it will probably be driven by the specific facts in the case at hand.