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Co-Working Spaces and Virtual Offices in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing co-working spaces and virtual offices. So yeah, there are a lot of companies, especially startups that come here to Thailand. I have seen it happen a lot in the SME kind of category, small to medium size enterprises. Many of our clients come here, set up a company, want to maintain Work Permit status, Business Visa status and in the beginning they are kind of on a shoe string. They don't know where they are at, they are getting their bearings and it takes a little time to get up and going. Co-working spaces so-called as well as virtual offices may provide a temporary or even long-term solution. 

One of the major issues though with respect to Thai Corporate Law especially in the context of Work Permits and Business Visas, is the fact that these type of operations need to be able to provide the relevant documentation associated with various tax certifications which are a prerequisite to maintaining long-term Business Visa and Work Permit status here in Thailand. If the co-working space or virtual office can't do that, it may not be worth the funds, worth the resources expended by that Company, to maintain their office in that given location because if they can't get the relevant documentation to get a Work Permit and Visa, at the end of the day they are going to have real problems because quite honestly that foreign national who is looking to use that Company can't legally work in Thailand until they have all their prerequisite documentation to get their Work Permit. If the domicile that does not allow that documentation to be issued, then you are going to have a real problem. 

So it's not something that you would immediately think about when you are thinking about virtual offices or co-working spaces but tax certification is a major issue associated with either of those topics.