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Business Opportunities in Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor?

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The title of this video we are talking about the Eastern Economic Corridor. The reason I decided to make this video is I have had a lot of folks contacting us lately sort of asking basically I think what they are getting at is "hey where is the hot new thing?" for lack of a better term. "Where do you think things are kind of moving and shaking as things start to open up here in Thailand?" A big place I keep coming back to is the EEC, the Eastern Economic Corridor because there is a lot going on down there. There is a lot of infrastructure development, I mean a lot. Whenever I get a chance to get out of Bangkok I am oftentimes down in that area and there are a lot of changes and there is a lot of infrastructure being put in down there as we have discussed in other videos. There's train lines, rail lines being placed down there. There is a great deal of improvement being made to the road infrastructure to get down to that area. The ports were already pretty good and they are still investing time and resources into capital improvements on the port system. Just across the board, if I was looking at a place here in Thailand that look to me poised to make some real moves upward in terms of economics, I think the Eastern Economic Corridor would be a top place where we will see that. Now exactly how it plays out remains to be seen.

As we have noted in other videos on this channel there is an EEC sort of Board which is vested with certain authority to grant concessions not dissimilar to the Board of Investment, the BOI, wherein foreign companies, foreign nationals can gain certain concessions to do business in Thailand where it might otherwise be restricted or certain concessions, things like Work Permit concessions, Foreign Business Ownership concessions, even under certain very limited circumstances most notably under the Industrial Estate Authority where a Company might even be able to be granted usage of land or ownership of land even under limited circumstances. 

So again, there is a lot going on down in the Eastern Economic Corridor and although it is not the only place where I see there being the potential for major economic improvement, it is definitely high on my list among the places that I am looking at moving forward as we put the past couple of years behind us and hopefully start seeing some real business development moving forward here in Thailand.